Production Site Hosting
go-live is also intended to be a simple replacement to Github-pages. Use this on an internet-facing server to quickly host a set of HTML files.
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go-live is also intended to be a simple replacement to Github-pages. Use this on an internet-facing server to quickly host a set of HTML files.
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go-live does not support HTTPS yet, but it is on the roadmap! We recommend Cloudflare for now to handle SSL.
Serving a site in production is trivial with go-live. This process is very efficient and can be used with small and inexpensive compute instances. An example of serving a production site is:
To start a persistent session with tmux. Tmux means when you close your SSH session your server won't shut down. Learn about tmux:
You can start nginx on the same host as go-live and use it to proxy connections. Here is an example nginx.conf (located in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf) for on Port 9000. The go-live process runs on Port 9000, and users connect through nginx on Port 80.
Cloudflare can provide caching and DDOS protection for your go-live server. We recommend setting up Cloudflare as the DNS provider and then proxying requests to your go-live server IP address on Port 80. Cloudflare can also provide HTTPS support for users who connect through it.